A. GENERAL (10:00)Team Warm upRelay Race: Split the class into 2-3 or 4 groups, with each group divided into 2 with partners standing on opposite ends of a 25' length. Perform as Amraps or for time for 2-3 sets - Walking Lunges- Bear Crawl- Inchworm walk- Crab Walk
In Race 1, All members of a team have to complete a 25' segment with walking lunges. When the partner arrives at the end of the 25' segment, they tag their partner and they perform their 25' in walking lunges and tag their next partner. Race ends once all partners have gone through their 25' walking lunges OR when the clock ends. The next race is done with a bear crawl in the same way and so on.
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (3:00)Hip 90/90 20 Total RepsC. SPECIFIC (10:00)Back Squat, From the Ground- 10 Glute Bridges- 10 Air Squats, Pause 2 seconds in the bottom- 2 x 5 Back Squats, Empty Bar. Demonstrate how to rack the bar- Ramp up to workout weight in sets of 3—Burpee Over Bar2 x 4 Reps—Practice Round / Aerobic Ramp up2-3 Sets- :15 Hard on Machine- :15 Burpees- :15 Air Squats (or Barbell)
6 Sets of 3:00 For Reps:- Rest 1:00 Between Sets- Alternate Between AMRAPs
AMRAP 1:18/15 Calories on Machine10 Back Squats @ 115/75 lbsMax Burpees Over Bar
AMRAP 2:10 Back Squats @ 115/75 lbs15 Burpees Over BarMax Calories on Machine
Score: Total Reps of Calories & BurpeesTime cap: 23:00Kilograms: 52/35 Beg: 20/15 Int: 52/35
Scaling optionsBeginnerAmrap 1:13/10 Calorie on Machine7 Back Squats @ 45/35 lbsMax Burpees
Amrap 2:7 Back Squats @ 45/35 lbs15 Burpees over BarMax Calorie on Machine
IntermediateAmrap 1:15/12 Calorie on Machine10 Back Squats @ 95/65 lbsMax Burpee over Bar
Amrap 2:10 Back Squats @ 95/65 lbs15 Burpees over BarMax Calorie on Machine
Foot Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge4 x 10/10
Goal: Lower Body Unilateral Accessory
(Can use bench, box or Rower)