2 sets:1:00 row, bike, or ski.:30 mountain climbers5 shoulder presses5 good mornings:30 up-downs5 push presses5 deadlifts:30 burpees
- INTERMEDIATE -AMRAP 10:5 shoulder-to-overheads (65/95 lb)10 deadlifts15 box jumps (20/24 in)- Step down from the box.
- BEGINNER -AMRAP 10:5 shoulder-to-overheads (35/45 lb)10 deadlifts15 plate jumps- Athlete's choice of plate.- Step down from the plate.
- MASTERS 55+ - AMRAP 10:5 shoulder-to-overheads (55/75 lb)10 deadlifts15 box jumps (20/24 in)- Jump, or step-up, onto the box and step down.
Accumulate::30 lacrosse ball roll bottom of each foot:30 standing hamstring stretch/side:30 calf stretch/side
AMRAP 10:5 double-DB shoulder-to-overhead (35/50 lb)10 double-DB deadlifts15 jumps to, or over, an object (20 in)
For time:800-meter sled drag (25/45 lb)- Attach a rope or a ring strap to the sled. Face the sled and grab the rope or ring strap, then walk backward to accumulate 800 meters. The weight should allow for a smooth, steady pace across the entire distance. You may have to stop 3-4 times, but if you can go unbroken, go for it! - If you do not have a sled, perform 100 double-dumbbell box step-ups to a 20-inch box. The Rx'd loading is 15/25 lb, but use a load allows you to perform at least 25 unbroken reps before taking a break.