A. GENERAL (4:00)2 Sets::30 Row / Machine:30 Jumping Jacks:30 Plank to Downward Dog:30 Bridge up + Reach
B. MOBILITY/ACTIVATION (2:00)PNF Thoracic Extension5 reps of 5 sec Press down, 7 sec stretch downC. SPECIFIC (8:00)Push Press Progression- 5 Dip & Hold, Focus on weight distribution in feet- 5 Tempo Push Press, Focus on torso angle- 5 Push Press- 3 Push Press Light- 3 Push Press, Slightly heavier---- Start Ramp up & Clock for Part A
C2. SPECIFICHand Release Push ups- 3 Push ups in each hand position- Wide - Diamond- Normal- 3 Hand Release Push-ups / Push up variation—Practice Round- 4 Cal Machine- 4 Hand Release Push up / Variation
On a 14 Minute Clock
1. Take 8 minutes to work up to a 3-Rep Heavy Push Press for the Day
Take 30% off, then at the 10:00 mark, perform:
2. 4 Rounds For Time:5 Push Press10 Ring Rows
Score: Weight (Add Pt 2 Time to notes)Time Cap: 14:00Kilograms: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginnerEvery 2:00 x 73 Push Press, Moderate7 Ring Rows
IntermediateAs Written
AMRAP 8mins4-6-8-etc..Hand Release Push-ups Calorie Row
Score: Rounds + repsTime Cap: 8:00Kilograms: N/A
Scaling optionsBeginner AMRAP 8mins2-4-6 etcHand Elevated push-up4-6-8-etc..Calorie Row
Intermediate4-6-8-etc..Hand Elevated Hand Release Push UpsCalorie Row
Tabata Machine of your choice8 x :20 on :10 off
Goal: Anaerobic Threshold