A. GENERAL (6:00)Medicine Ball Partner Toss- 20 Chest Passes- 20 Laterall Tosses (10/10)- 20 Overhead Tosses- 20 Underhand Tosses- 20 Wall Ball Tosses
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (1:30) Ankle Stretch on Box45 sec / Side
C. SPECIFIC (8:00) Goblet Step ups- 6-10 Step ups, unweighted- 4-8 Step ups with workout weight----Kettlebell Swings- 3-5 Single rep Russian Kettlebell Swing (Going over the safe way to start a set)- 3-5 Russian Kettlebell Swings- 3-5 Kettlebell Swings---Wall Balls- 5 Medicine Ball Squats, Supporting ball in Front Rack- 5 Wall Ball, Heels stay on the ground- 5 Wall Balls
C2. SPECIFIC (5:00)Silverback Swings- Ramp up to Find Workout Weight in sets of 2-3 swings—Gorilla Rows- 2 x 2 Reps
Every 2:00 x 108 Goblet Step ups @ 20" @ 53/35 lbs10 Kettlebell swings @ 53/35 lbs12 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs
Score: Each set for timeTime Cap : 20:00Kilograms: 24/16, 9/6, Beg: 12/9, 5/4, Int: 15/12, 7/5
Scaling optionsBeginner6 Step ups @ 20" 10 Kettlebell swings @ 26/18 lbs12 Wall Balls @ 12/8 lbs
Intermediate8 Step ups @ 20" @ 35/26 lbs10 Kettlebell swings @ 35/26 lbs12 Wall Balls 16/12 lbs
3 sets25' Silverback Swings10 Gorilla RowsRest 1 :00 Between Sets
Score: Weight on KettlebellsTime Cap: 9:00Kilograms: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner & IntermediateReduce load as needed
3 sets12 Medicine Ball Overhead Sit- ups24 Russian Twist with Medicine Ball
Goal: Core Strength
(use medicine ball)