A. GENERAL (6:00)Team Warm up2 rounds / AWhile 1 partner is on a machinePartner 2 is performing- 2 shuttle Runs (2 x 25/25)- 25' Walking Lunges + Rotation- 25' Burpee Broad jumps
B. MOBILITY / ACTIVATION (2:00)- 10 Cat Cows- 10 Reverse Angels
C. SPECIFIC (10:00)Power Snatch, Focus on bar path- 5 Snatch First pulls- 5 Muscle Snatch- 5 Power Snatch, Returning the bar to the hip after each rep- 5 Power Snatch, Barbell CyclingRamp up to workout Weight
C2. SPECIFIC (10:00)Wall Walks- 3 x Pike to Handstand Hold, 5-10 sec- 3 x Half Walk Walks- 1-2 Wall WalksInchworm push ups (Beginner)- 3 Inchworm walk to plank- 3 Inchwork walk to push up on knees----Deadlifts- 5 Deadlifts, light or empty bars. Go over Points of performanceRamp up to workout weight in 3 sets
6 Sets:1:00 Work / 1:00 Rest
3 Power Snatch @ RPE 6-7/10Max Calories On Machine In Remaining Time
Score: CaloriesTime Cap: 12:00KG: N/A
Scaling OptionsBeginner3 Power Snatch @ technical loadMax Calories On Machine In Remaining Time
IntermediateAs Written
6 Rounds For Time9 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs3 Wall Walks
RX+: Deadlifts @ 275/185 & 25’ Handstand Walk
Score: TimeTime Cap: 10:00KG: 100/70, Beg: 43/30 Int: 84/60, RX+: 125/84
Scaling OptionsBeginner6 Deadlifts @ 95/65 lbs6 Inchworm Push ups on knees
Intermediate9 Deadlifts @ 185/135 lbs3 1/2 Wall Walks
Team VersionIn Teams of 3, Waterfall style18 Rounds (6 per partner)6 Deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs 2 Wall WalksTC: 15 minutes
Plank Bird Dogs3 x 12 Total Reps
Goal: Transverse Core work